Quick learn
The GMT.jl types (important)
Core Modules Manuals
basemap | blockmean | blockmedian | blockmode | clip | coast | colorbar | contour |
dimfilter | events | filter1d | fitcircle | gmt2kml | gmtbinstats | gmtconnect | gmtconvert |
gmtdefaults | gmtget | gmtinfo | gmtlogo | gmtmath | gmtregress | gmtselect | gmtset |
gmtsimplify | gmtspatial | gmtsplit | gmtvector | gmtwhich | grd2cpt | grd2kml | grd2xyz |
grdblend | grdclip | grdcontour | grdconvert | grdcut | grdedit | grdfft | grdfill |
grdfilter | grdgdal | grdgradient | grdhisteq | grdimage | grdinfo | grdinterpolate | grdlandmask |
grdmask | grdmath | grdmix | grdpaste | grdproject | grdsample | grdtrack | grdtrend |
grdvector | grdview | grdvolume | greenspline | histogram | image | inset | kml2gmt |
legend | makecpt | mapproject | mask | movie | nearneighbor | plot | plot3d |
project | psconvert | rose | sample1d | solar | spectrum1d | sph2grd | sphdistance |
sphinterpolate | sphtriangulate | subplot | surface | ternary | text | trend1d | trend2d |
triangulate | wiggle | xyz2grd |
(Plot) Avatars
Supplemental Modules (with extended docs)
gravmag3d | grdgravmag3d | gravprisms |
Supplemental Modules
Note: module names ending with a * mean that they have not yet been ported to GMT.jl and its use requires resorting to the Monolithic mode.
Utility functions
Solids functions
cube | cylinder | dodecahedron | extrude | fv2fv | grid2tri |
icosahedron | octahedron | replicant | sphere | tetrahedron | torus |
surf2fv |
Image Processing functions
GDAL utility functions
© GMT.jl. Last modified: February 07, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1