trisurf(in, kw...)
keywords: GMT, Julia, surface, triangles
Plots the 3-D triangular surface defined by the points in a Mx3 matrix or a GMTdataset with data x, y, z in the 3 first columns. The triangles are computed with a Delaunay triangulation done internaly. Since this is a plot3 avatar all options in this function are those of the plot3d
trisurf([x y z], kwargs...) plots the 3-D triangular surface defined by the points in vectors x, y, and z.
trisurf(D, kwargs...) The same but now the input data (the x,y,z triplets) is stored in the
GMTdataset object.
Create a set of 3-D points and plot the surface defined by the triangulation.
using GMT
x,y,z = GMT.peaks(N=45, grid=false);
trisurf([x[:] y[:] z[:]], pen=0.5, show=true)
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