
D = geocoder(address::String; options=String[])

Get the geocoder info for a given address by calling the GDAL/OGR geocoding functions.


  • address: The string to geocode.

  • options: These are the options passed to GDAL and in the form of a vector of strings. For example, the default is equivalent to options=["SERVICE", "OSM_NOMINATIM"].

    • "CACHE_FILE" : Defaults to "ogr_geocode_cache.sqlite" (or otherwise "ogr_geocode_cache.csv" if the SQLite driver isn't available). Might be any CSV, SQLite or PostgreSQL datasource.

    • "READ_CACHE" : "TRUE" (default) or "FALSE"

    • "WRITE_CACHE" : "TRUE" (default) or "FALSE"

    • "SERVICE": "OSM_NOMINATIM" (default), "MAPQUEST_NOMINATIM", "YAHOO", "GEONAMES", "BING" or other value. Note: "YAHOO" is no longer available as a free service.

    • "EMAIL": used by "OSM_NOMINATIM". Optional, but recommended.

    • "USERNAME": used by "GEONAMES". Compulsory in that case.

    • "KEY": used by BING. Compulsory in that case.

    • "APPLICATION": used to set the User-Agent MIME header. Defaults to GDAL/OGR version string.

    • "LANGUAGE": used to set the Accept-Language MIME header. Preferred language order for showing search results.

    • "DELAY": minimum delay, in second, between 2 consecutive queries. Defaults to 1.0.

    • "QUERY_TEMPLATE": URL template for GET requests. Must contain one and only one occurrence of %s in it. If not specified, for ["SERVICE", "OSM_NOMINATIM"], "MAPQUEST_NOMINATIM", "YAHOO", "GEONAMES" or "BING", the URL template is hard-coded.

    • "REVERSE_QUERY_TEMPLATE": URL template for GET requests for reverse geocoding. Must contain one and only one occurrence of {lon} and {lat} in it. If not specified, for ["SERVICE", "OSM_NOMINATIM"], "MAPQUEST_NOMINATIM", "YAHOO", "GEONAMES" or "BING", the URL template is hard-coded.


A GMTdataset with the longitude, latitude, and full attribute dictionary returned by the geocoder for the input address. This dataset contains only one point but geocoding service resturns also a BoundingBox containing that point. When the address is very specific that BB is tiny arround the point, but when the query is general (for example,just the name of a city or even a country), the BB is large and may be very useful to use in the mosaic program. For that purpose, the returned BB is sored in the GMTdatset ds_bbox field.


geocoder("Paris, France")

See Also
