
gmtwrite(fname::AbstractString, data; kwargs...)

keywords: GMT, Julia, write raster vector

Write a GMT object to file. The object is one of grd or grid, image or img, dataset or table, cmap or cpt and ps (for postscript). For the datasets case if the file name ends in .arrow, .shp, .json, .feather, .geojson, .gmt, .gpkg, .gpx, .gml or .parquet then it automatically selects gdalwrite and saves the GMT dataset in that OGR vector format. The .kml is treated as a special case because there are GMT modules (e.g. gmt2kml) that produce KML formatted data and so we write it directly as a text file.

When saving grids we have a panoply of formats at our disposal.


  • id: Use an id code when not not saving a grid into a standard COARDS-compliant netCDF grid. This id is made up of two characters like ef to save in ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (ASCII float). See the full list of ids at grdconvert

  • scale | offset: You may optionally ask to scale the data and then offset them with the specified amounts. These modifiers are particularly practical when storing the data as integers, by first removing an offset and then scaling down the values.

  • nan | novalue | invalid | missing: Lets you supply a value that represents an invalid grid entry, i.e., NaN.

  • gdal: Boolean. Force the use of the GDAL library to write the grid (to be used only with grids).

  • driver: When saving in other than the netCDF format we must tell the GDAL library what is the wished format. That is done by specifying the driver name used by GDAL itself (e.g., "netCDF", "GTiFF", etc...).

  • datatype: When saving with GDAL we can specify the data type from "u8|u16|i16|u32|i32|float32" where ‘i’ and ‘u’ denote signed and unsigned integers respectively.

  • R or region or limits : – limits=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) | limits=(BB=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),) | limits=(LLUR=(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax),units="unit") | ...more
    Specify the region of interest. More at limits. For perspective view view, optionally add zmin,zmax. This option may be used to indicate the range used for the 3-D axes. You may ask for a larger w/e/s/n region to have more room between the image and the axes.

  • V or verbose : – verbose=true | verbose=level
    Select verbosity level. More at verbose

  • bo or binary_out : – binary_out=??
    Select native binary format for table output. More at

  • f or colinfo : – colinfo=??
    Specify the data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data). More at


write the GMTgrid 'G' object into a netCDF file called 'lixo.grd'

gmtwrite("lixo.grd", G)

To save the Norway country borders in shapefile format, do:

No = coast(DCW=:NO, dump=true);
gmtwrite("Norway.shp", No)

See Also

gmtread, gdalread