Supplements modules

coupe(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Plot cross-sections of focal mechanisms.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at pscoupe. Essentially the same as meca plus A. Run gmthelp(coupe) to see the list of options.

earthtide(cmd0::String=""; kwargs...)

Compute grids or time-series of solid Earth tides.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at earthtide

	G = earthtide();
gmtgravmag3d(cmd0::String=""; kwargs...)

Compute the gravity/magnetic anomaly of a 3-D body by the method of Okabe.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at gmtgravmag3d


  • C | density :: [Type => Str | GMTgrid]

    Sets body density in SI. Provide either a constant density or a grid with a variable one.

  • F | track :: [Type => Str | Matrix | GMTdataset]

    Provide locations where the anomaly will be computed. Note this option is mutually exclusive with outgrid.

  • G | save | outgrid | outfile :: [Type => Str]

    Output grid file name. Note that this is optional and to be used only when saving the result directly on disk. Otherwise, just use the G = gmtgravmag3d(....) form.

  • H | mag_params :: [Type => Number]

    Sets parameters for computation of magnetic anomaly. Alternatively, provide a magnetic intensity grid.

  • I | inc | increment | spacing :: [Type => Str] $Arg = xinc[unit][+e|n][/yinc[unit][+e|n]]]$

    x_inc [and optionally y_inc] is the grid spacing. Optionally, append an increment unit.

  • L | z_obs | observation_level :: [Type => Number]

    Sets level of observation [Default = 0]. That is the height (z) at which anomalies are computed.

  • M | body :: [Type => Str | Tuple]

    Create geometric bodies and compute their grav/mag effect.

  • R | region | limits :: [Type => Str or list or GMTgrid|image] $Arg = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)$

    Specify the region of interest. Set to data minimum BoundinBox if not provided.

  • S | radius :: [Type => Number]

    Set search radius in km (valid only in the two grids mode OR when thickness) [Default = 30 km].

  • Tv | index :: [Type => Str]

  • Tr | raw_triang :: [Type => Str]

  • Ts | stl :: [Type => Str]

    Gives names of a xyz and vertex (ndex="vert_file") files defining a close surface.

  • Z | z_level | reference_level :: [Type => Number]

    Level of reference plane [Default = 0].


	G = gmtgravmag3d(M=(shape=:prism, params=(1,1,1,5)), inc=1.0, region="-15/15/-15/15", mag_params="10/60/10/-10/40");
gravfft(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing, arg2=nothing; kwargs...)

Spectral calculations of gravity, isostasy, admittance, and coherence for grids.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at gravfft


  • D | density :: [Type => Str | GMTgrid]

    Sets body density in SI. Provide either a constant density or a grid with a variable one.

  • E | n_terms :: [Type => Number]

    Number of terms used in Parker expansion [Default = 3].

  • F | geopotential :: [Type => Str | Tuple]

    Specify desired geopotential field: compute geoid rather than gravity

  • I | admittance :: [Type => Number]

    Use ingrid2 and ingrid1 (a grid with topography/bathymetry) to estimate admittance|coherence and return a GMTdataset.

  • N | inquire :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [a|f|m|r|s|nx/ny][+a|[+d|h|l][+e|n|m][+twidth][+v][+w[suffix]][+z[p]]$

    Choose or inquire about suitable grid dimensions for FFT and set optional parameters. Control the FFT dimension:

  • Q | flex_topo | flexural_topography :: [Type => Bool]

    Computes grid with the flexural topography.

  • S | subplate | subplate_load :: [Type => Bool]

    Computes predicted gravity or geoid grid due to a subplate load produced by the current bathymetry and the theoretical model.

  • T | topo_load :: [Type => Str]

    Compute the isostatic compensation from the topography load (input grid file) on an elastic plate of thickness te.

  • W | z_obs | observation_level :: [Type => Number]

    Set water depth (or observation height) relative to topography in meters [0]. Append k to indicate km.

  • Z | moho_depth :: [Type => Number]

    Moho [and swell] average compensation depths (in meters positive down).

  • V | verbose :: [Type => Bool or Str] $Arg = [level]$

    Select verbosity level, which will send progress reports to stderr.

  • f | geog | colinfo | coltypes | coltype :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [i|o]colinfo$

    Specify the data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data).

Example. Compute the gravity effect of the Gorringe bank.

    G = grdcut("@earth_relief_10m", region=(-12.5,-10,35.5,37.5));
	G2 = gravfft(G, density=1700, F=(faa=6,slab=4), f=:g);
grdgravmag3d(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing, arg2=nothing; kwargs...)

Compute the gravity/magnetic anomaly of the volume contained between a surface provided by one grid and a plane, or between a top and a bottom surface provided by two grids.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at grdgravmag3d


  • C | density :: [Type => Str | GMTgrid]

    Sets body density in SI. Provide either a constant density or a grid with a variable one.

  • F | track :: [Type => Str | Matrix | GMTdataset]

    Provide locations where the anomaly will be computed. Note this option is mutually exclusive with outgrid.

  • G | save | outgrid | outfile :: [Type => Str]

    Output grid file name. Note that this is optional and to be used only when saving the result directly on disk. Otherwise, just use the G = grdgravmag3d(....) form.

  • E | thickness :: [Type => Number]

    Provide the layer thickness in m [Default = 500 m].

  • H | mag_params :: [Type => Number]

    Sets parameters for computation of magnetic anomaly. Alternatively, provide a magnetic intensity grid.

  • I | inc | increment | spacing :: [Type => Str] $Arg = xinc[unit][+e|n][/yinc[unit][+e|n]]]$

    x_inc [and optionally y_inc] is the grid spacing. Optionally, append an increment unit.

  • L | z_obs | observation_level :: [Type => Number]

    Sets level of observation [Default = 0]. That is the height (z) at which anomalies are computed.

  • Q | pad :: [Type => Number]

    Extend the domain of computation with respect to output region.

  • R | region | limits :: [Type => Str or list or GMTgrid|image] $Arg = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)$

    Specify the region of interest. Set to data minimum BoundinBox if not provided.

  • S | radius :: [Type => Number]

    Set search radius in km (valid only in the two grids mode OR when thickness) [Default = 30 km].

  • Z | z_level | reference_level :: [Type => Number]

    Level of reference plane [Default = 0].

  • V | verbose :: [Type => Bool or Str] $Arg = [level]$

    Select verbosity level, which will send progress reports to stderr.

  • f | geog | colinfo | coltypes | coltype :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [i|o]colinfo$

    Specify the data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data).

  • x | cores | n_threads :: [Type => Str or Number] $Arg = [[-]n]$

    Limit the number of cores to be used in any OpenMP-enabled multi-threaded algorithms. (

Example. Compute the gravity effect of the Gorringe bank.

	G = grdgravmag3d("@earth_relief_10m", region=(-12.5,-10,35.5,37.5), density=2700, inc=0.05, pad=0.5, z_level=:bottom, f=:g);
grdrotater(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Takes a geographical grid and reconstructs it given total reconstruction rotations.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at grdrotater


  • A | rot_region :: [Type => Str | Tuple | Vec]

    Specify directly the region of the rotated grid.

  • D | rot_outline :: [Type => Bool or Str] $Arg = true | filename$

    Name of the grid polygon outline file. This represents the outline of the grid reconstructed to the specified time.

  • F | rot_polyg | rot_polygon :: [Type => Str | GMTdaset | Mx2 array] $Arg = filename | dataset)$

    Specify a multisegment closed polygon file that describes the inside area of the grid that should be rotated.

  • G | save | outgrid | outfile :: [Type => Str]

    Output grid file name. Note that this is optional and to be used only when saving the result directly on disk. Otherwise, just use the G = grdrotater(....) form.

  • R | region | limits :: [Type => Str or list or GMTgrid|image] $Arg = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)$

    Specify the region of interest. Set to data minimum BoundinBox if not provided.

  • T | ages :: [Type => Str | Tuple]

    Sets the desired reconstruction times. For a single time append the desired time. (

  • V | verbose :: [Type => Bool or Str] $Arg = [level]$

    Select verbosity level, which will send progress reports to stderr.

  • b | binary :: [Type => Str]

  • d | nodata :: [Type => Str or Number] $Arg = [i|o]nodata$

    Control how user-coded missing data values are translated to official NaN values in GMT.

  • f | geog | colinfo | coltypes | coltype :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [i|o]colinfo$

    Specify the data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data).

  • g | gap :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [a]x|y|d|X|Y|D|[col]z[+|-]gap[u]$

    Examine the spacing between consecutive data points in order to impose breaks in the line.

  • h | header :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [i|o][n][+c][+d][+rremark][+ttitle]$

    Primary input file(s) has header record(s).

  • n | interp | interpolation :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [b|c|l|n][+a][+bBC][+c][+tthreshold]$

    Select grid interpolation mode by adding b for B-spline smoothing, c for bicubic interpolation, l for bilinear interpolation, or n for nearest-neighbor value.

  • o | outcols | outcol :: [Type => Str] $Arg = cols[,…]$

    Select specific data columns for primary output, in arbitrary order.


G = grdmath("-R-5/5/-5/5 -I0.1 -fg X Y HYPOT");
tri = [-2.411 -1.629; -0.124 2.601; 2.201 -1.629; -2.410 -1.629];
Gr, tri_rot = grdrotater(G, rotation="-40.8/32.8/-12.9", rot_outline=true, rot_polygon=tri);
imshow(Gr, plot=(data=tri_rot,))
meca(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Plot focal mechanisms.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at meca


  • J | proj | projection :: [Type => String]

    Select map projection. Defaults to 15x10 cm with linear (non-projected) maps.

  • R | region | limits :: [Type => Str or list or GMTgrid|image] $Arg = (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)$

    Specify the region of interest. Set to data minimum BoundinBox if not provided.

  • B | frame | axis | xaxis yaxis:: [Type => Str]

    Set map boundary frame and axes attributes.

  • A | offset :: [Type => Bool | Str | GMTcpt]

    Offsets focal mechanisms to the longitude, latitude specified in the last two columns of the input

  • C | color | cmap :: [Type => Number | Str | GMTcpt]

    Give a CPT and let compressive part color be determined by the z-value in the third column.

  • D | depth_limits :: [Type => Str | Tuple]

    Plots events between depmin and depmax.

  • E | fill_extensive | extensionfill :: [Type => Str | Number]

    Selects filling of extensive quadrants. [Default is white].

  • Fa | Fe | Fg | Fo | Fp | Fr | Ft | Fz :: [Type => ]

    Sets one or more attributes.

  • G | fill | compressionfill :: [Type => Str | Number]

    Selects shade, color or pattern for filling the sectors [Default is no fill].

  • P | portrait :: [Type => Bool or []]

    Tell GMT to NOT draw in portrait mode (that is, make a Landscape plot)

  • L | outline_pen | pen_outline :: [Type => Str | Number | Tuple]

    Draws the “beach ball” outline with pen attributes instead of with the default pen set by pen

  • M | same_size | samesize :: [Type => Bool]

    Use the same size for any magnitude. Size is given with S

  • N | no_clip | noclip :: [Type => Str | []]

    Do NOT skip symbols that fall outside frame boundary.

  • Sc|aki | Sc|CMT|gcmt | Sm|mt|moment_tensor | ... :: [Type => Str]

    Selects the meaning of the columns in the input data.

  • **convention=:Sa|:aki|:Sc|:CMT|:gcmt|:Sm|:mt|:momenttensor|:Sd|:mtclosest|:momentclosest|:Sz|:mtdeviatoric :momentdeviatoric|:Sp :partial|:Sx|:principal|:principalaxis|:Sy|:principalclosest|:St|:principaldeviatoric

    Alternative way of selecting the meaning of the columns in the input data.

  • T | nodal :: [Type => Number | Str]

    Plots the nodal planes and outlines the bubble which is transparent.

  • W | pen :: [Type => Str | Tuple]

    Set pen attributes for all lines and the outline of symbols.

  • U | time_stamp | timestamp :: [Type => Str or Bool or []] $Arg = [[just]/dx/dy/][c|label]$

    Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

  • V | verbose :: [Type => Bool or Str] $Arg = [level]$

    Select verbosity level, which will send progress reports to stderr.

  • X | x_offset | xshift :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [a|c|f|r][x-shift[u]]$

  • Y | y_offset | yshift :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]]$

    Shift plot origin relative to the current origin by (x-shift,y-shift) and optionally append the length unit (c, i, or p).

  • di | nodata_in :: [Type => Str or Number] $Arg = nodata$

    Examine all input columns and if any item equals nodata we interpret this value as a missing data item and substitute the value NaN.

  • e | pattern | find :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [~]”pattern” | -e[~]/regexp/[i]$

    Only accept ASCII data records that contains the specified pattern.

  • h | header :: [Type => Str] $Arg = [i|o][n][+c][+d][+rremark][+ttitle]$

    Primary input file(s) has header record(s).

  • i | incols | incol :: [Type => Str] $Arg = cols[+l][+sscale][+ooffset][,…]$

    Select specific data columns for primary input, in arbitrary order.

  • p | view | perspective :: [Type => Str or List] $Arg = [x|y|z]azim[/elev[/zlevel]][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0]$

    Selects perspective view and sets the azimuth and elevation of the viewpoint [180/90].

  • t | alpha | transparency :: [Type => Str] $Arg = transp$

    Set PDF transparency level for an overlay, in (0-100] percent range. [Default is 0, i.e., opaque].

  • yx :: [Type => Str or Bool or []] $Arg = [i|o]$

    Swap 1st and 2nd column on input and/or output.

Example: Plot a focal mechanism using the Aki & Richards convention

    psmeca([0.0 3.0 0.0 0 45 90 5 0 0], aki=true, fill=:black, region=(-1,4,0,6), proj=:Merc, show=1)

The same but add a Label

    psmeca(mat2ds([0.0 3.0 0.0 0 45 90 5 0 0], ["Thrust"]), aki=true, fill=:black, region=(-1,4,0,6), proj=:Merc, show=1)
velo(cmd0::String="", arg1=nothing; kwargs...)

Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges.

See full GMT (not the GMT.jl one) docs at velo

    velo(mat2ds([0. -8 0 0 4 6 0.5; -8 5 3 3 0 0 0.5], ["4x6", "3x3"]), pen=(0.6,:red), fill_wedges=:green, outlines=true, Se="0.2/0.39/18", arrow="0.3c+p1p+e+gred", region=(-15,10,-10,10), show=1)