
grat = graticules(D, width=(30,20), grid=nothing, annot_x=nothing)


grat = graticules(; proj="projection", width=(30,20), pm=0, grid=nothing, annot_x=nothing)

Create a projected graticule GMTdataset with meridians and parallels at width intervals.

  • D: A GMTdataset (or vector of them) holding the projection info. Instead of GMTdataset type, this argument may also be a referenced grid or image type.

  • proj: Alternatively pass a proj4 string or Symbol describing the projection

  • pm: The projection prime meridian (Default is 0 or whatever is in D.proj4).

  • width: A scalar or two elements array/tuple with increments in longitude and latitude. If scalar, widthx = widthy.

  • grid: Instead of using the width argument, that generates an automatic set of graticules, one may pass a two elements Vector{Vector{Real}} with the meridians (grid[1]) and parallels (grid[2]) to create.

  • annot_x: By default, all meridians are annotated when grat is used in the plotgrid! function, but depending on the projection and the latlim argument used in worldrectangular we may have the longitude labels overlap close to the prime meridian. To minimize that pass a vector of longitudes to be annotated. e.g. annot_x=[-180,-150,0,150,180] will annotate only those longitudes.


A Vector of GMTdataset containing the projected meridians and parallels. grat[i] attributes store information about that element lon,lat.


using GMT
grat = graticules(proj="+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=moll +o_lon_p=40 +o_lat_p=50 +lon_0=60");

See Also

coastlinesproj, plotgrid!, worldrectangular, worldrectgrid, worldrectcoast, Best rectangular world map projection