I = image_alpha!(img::GMTimage; alpha_ind::Integer, alpha_vec::Vector{Integer}, alpha_band::UInt8)
keywords: GMT, Julia, image transparency
Change the alpha transparency of the GMTimage object img
. If the image is indexed, one can either change just the color index that will be made transparent by using alpha_ind=n
or provide a vector of transaparency values in the range [0 255]; This vector can be shorter than the orginal number of colors. Use alpha_band
to change, or add, the alpha of true color images (RGB).
Change to the third color in cmap to represent the new transparent color
image_alpha!(img, alpha_ind=3)
Change to the first 6 colors in cmap by assigning them random values
image_alpha!(img, alpha_vec=round.(Int32,rand(6).*255))
See Also
© GMT.jl. Last modified: February 15, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
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