zvals = polygonlevels(D::GDtype, ids::Vector{String}, vals::Vector{<:Real}; kw...) -> Vector{Float64}
zvals = polygonlevels(D::GDtype, ids::Matrix{String}, vals::Vector{<:Real}; kw...) -> Vector{Float64}
keywords: GMT, Julia, choropleths
Creates a vector with zvals
to use in plot
and where length(zvals) == length(D) The elements of zvals
are made up from the vals
: is a string Vector or Matrix with the ids (attribute names) of the GMTdataset D. If a Matrix (2 columns only) then theatt
bellow must also have the two names (string vector with two elements) that will be matched against the two elements of each line ofids
. The idea here is to match two conditions:att[1] == ids[n,1] && att[2] == ids[n,2]
: is a vector with the numbers to be used in plotlevel
to color the polygons.attrib
: keyword to select which attribute to use when matching with contents of theids
: a keyword fromkw
. Perform a case insensitive comparision between the contents ofids
and the attribute specified withattrib
. Default compares as case sensistive.repeat
: keyword to replicate the previously known value until it finds a new segment ID for the case when a polygon have no attributes (may happen for the islands in a country).
Returns a Vector{Float64} with the same length as the number of segments in D. Its content are made up from the contents of vals
but may be repeated such that each polygon of the same family, i.e. with the same ids
, has the same value.
Realy need to provide one
See Also
inwhichpolygon, getbyattrib, coast, plot3
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1