I = imreconstruct(marker::Union{Matrix{Bool}, Matrix{UInt8}}, Imask::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}; conn=4, insitu=true)
keywords: GMT, Julia, morphological reconstruction
Perform morphological reconstruction of the image marker
under the image mask
The elements of marker
must be less than or equal to the corresponding elements of mask
. If the values in marker
are greater than corresponding elements in mask
, then imreconstruct
clips the values to the mask level before starting the procedure. The worphological work is done by the Leptonica function pixSeedfillGray
: The image to be reconstructed (will hold the reconstructed image). This can be a matrix or a GMTimage with Boolean or UInt8 types.mask
: The mask image. Types (GMTimage or matrix) are Boolean or UInt8.
: Connectivity for the image reconstruction (4 or 8). Default is 4.insitu::Bool
: If true, the input images are treated as in situ. Default is true.
A new GMTimage (or Matrix)
Use reconstruction to segment an image.
using GMT
text(["Hello World"], region=(1.92,2.08,1.97,2.02), x=2.0, y=2.0,
font=(30, "Helvetica-Bold", :white),
frame=(axes=:none, bg=:black), figsize=(6,0), name="tmp.png")
# Read only one band (althouh gray scale, the "tmp.png" is actually RGB)
I = gmtread("tmp.png", band=1);
# Create a marker image that identifies the object in the image you want to extract through segmentation.
# For this example, identify the "W" in the word "World".
marker = fill(UInt8(0),(size(I)));
marker[390,130] = UInt8(255);
# Perform segmentation of the mask image using the marker image.
Ir = imreconstruct(marker, I);
grdimage(I, figsize=8)
grdimage!(Ir, figsize=8, yshift=-2.57, show=true)
See Also
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.26.0