angles, ind = vecangles(lonlat0::VecOrMat{Real}, lonlat1::Matrix{Real}; proj::String="",
s_srs::String="", epsg::Integer=0, sorted=true)
Computes the angles between lines taken from the central point lonlat0
and those passed in the Mx2 matrix lonlat1
: - coordinates of point 1 in the given projection (or a matrix with several points).lonlat2
: - coordinates of point 2 in the given projection (or a matrix with same size aslonlat1
: - the given projection whose ellipsoid we move along. Can be a proj4 string or an WKT.epsg
: - Alternative way of specifying the projection [Default is WGS84].sorted
: - By default we sort the lines azimuth so that the angles refer to contiguous line. Ifsorted
is set tofalse
we compute the angles in the order of points as given inlonlat2
- A Float64 vector with the angles between center and points determined by the arguments plus the angle betwen the lines from center to first and from center to last point.ind
- A vector of Int with the order obtained by sorting the lines azimuths (whensorted=true
). Apply it tolonlat2[ind,:]
to get the point distribution order in the same way asangles
. Neddless, ofc, ifsorted=false
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