J = imsobel(I::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}; direction::Int=2)::GMTimage
keywords: GMT, Julia, Sobel filter
Sobel edge detecting filter.
Returns a binary GMTimage containing 1s where the function finds edges in the grayscale or binary image I and 0s elsewhere.
: Input grayscale image.
: Orientation flag:0
means detect horizontal edges,1
means vertical and2
means all edges.
A new GMTimage grayscale image
with the edge detection, edges are brighter.
Let us vectorize the rice grains in the image "rice.png". The result is not perfect because the grains in the image's edge are not closed and therefore not filled. And those get poligonized twice (in and outside) making the red lines look thicker (but they are not, they are just doubled).
using GMT
I = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "assets/rice.png");
J = imsobel(I);
BW = binarize(J);
BW = bwskell(BW); # Skeletize to get a better approximation of the shapes.
BW = imfill(BW); # Fill to avoid "double" vectorization (outside and inside grain outline)
D = polygonize(BW);
grdimage(I, figsize=5)
grdimage!(J, figsize=5, xshift=5.05)
grdimage!(BW, figsize=5, xshift=-5.05, yshift=-5.05)
grdimage!(I, figsize=5, xshift=5.05, plot=(data=D, lc=:red), show=true)
See Also
imfill, bwskell, imerode, imfilter
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1