J = imclose(I::Union{GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}, GMTimage{<:Bool, 2}}; hsize=3, vsize=3, sel=nothing)::GMTimage
keywords: GMT, Julia, image morphology, closing
Close the grayscale or binary image I.
The morphological close operation is a dilation followed by an erosion, using the same structuring element for both operations. The closing is performed with a matrix of 0’s and 1’s with width hsize
and height vsize
, or, if possible, with the structuring element strel. Later case is faster but it is only available for binary images, where by binary images we mean Boolean images or images with only 0’s and 1’s of UInt8 type.
I::Union{GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}, GMTimage{<:Bool, 2}}
: Input image.
: Horizontal size of the 'box' structuring element.vsize::Int=3
: Vertical size of the 'box' structuring element.sel=nothing
: Structuring element (See strel function). An alternative tohsize
options. If equal tonothing
, a structuring box of sizehsize
is used.
A new GMTimage of the same type as I
with the closing applied.
Illustration of closing with a structuring box of width 20
using GMT
I = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "assets/packman.png");
J = imclose(I, sel=strel("box", 20));
grdimage(I, figsize=7)
grdimage!(J, figsize=7, xshift=7.1, show=true)
See Also
imdilate, imerode, imopen, strel
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1