(48) Line networks, map embellishments, and curved titles
In this example we show how the module plot can be used to create a network of lines based on a file with just the nodes (the siz airports). We also demonstrate how the lines can be shortened by (a) a given measure (here 250 km) and then (b) the length of the added vector heads. The airspace closest to each airport is identified as spherical Voronoi cells by sphtriangulate and filled with transparent coloring, allowing us to see the seafloor texture beneath. Finally, we add six local spiderweb azimuth/distance gridlines and set a curved plot title.
using GMT
loc = [-157.858 21.307 61 300
-149.558 -17.552 -120 120
139.692 35.689 56 170
-70.669 -33.449 215 322
151.207 -33.867 -10 145
-118.244 34.052 142 306]
par = [["HNL" "BC" "1.5"];
["PPT" "TC" "1.5"];
["HND" "RB" "0.75"];
["SCL" "TL" "0.6"];
["SYD" "TR" "2.2"];
["LAX" "BL" "2.0"]]
makecpt(cmap=:lightgray, range="-12000,12000")
grdimage("@earth_relief_10m", region=:global360, shade=(azim=45, norm="t2"),
proj=(name=:ortho, center=(205,-10)), figsize=18)
near_area = sphtriangulate(loc, voronoi=:v)
t_cpt = makecpt(cmap=:categorical, range=(0,6,1))
plot!(near_area, close=true, cmap=t_cpt, alpha=65)
# Make a 15 degrees by 250 km spiderweb grid around each airport
plot!(loc, marker=(Web=true, size=("2000k","250k"), arc="250k", radial=15), pen=0.5, fill="white@40")
coast!(land=:black, area=500, frame=(annot=:auto, ticks=:auto, grid=:auto))
# Then place custom labels.
for k = 1:size(loc,1)
text!(loc[k:k,1:2], txt=par[k,1], offset=(corners=true, shift=par[k,3], line=(0.5,:white)),
font=16, justify=par[k,2], noclip=true)
text!(loc[k:k,1:2], text=par[k,1], offset=(corners=true, shift=par[k,3], line=0.25), font=16,
justify=par[k,2], noclip=true, fill=:white, pen=0.25)
# Plot trimmed lines and overlay airport locations
lines!(loc, connection=:network, pen=(lw=1.5, arrow=(len=0.5,fill=:red,shape=0.5,pen=0.5), offset="250k"))
plot!(loc, symbol="E-500", fill=:orange, ml=0.25)
# Make an arc of radius 12 cm from 45 to 135 degrees around map center and use it to place text
path = [cosd.(45:135) sind.(45:135)] .* 12
# Move up 8 cm so origin is at the map center
lines!(path, region=(-9.0,9.0,0,15), proj=:linear, figscale=1.0, decorated=(quoted=true, n_labels=1,
const_label="IMPORTANT PACIFIC AIRPORTS", font=32, curved=true),
pen=(:faint,:white), noclip=true, yshift=8, show=true)
© GMT.jl. Last modified: February 07, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1