J = imrankfilter(I::GMTimage; width::Int=3, height::Int=0, rank=0.5)::GMTimage
keywords: GMT, Julia, image rank filter
Rank order filter.
This defines, for each pixel, a neighborhood of pixels given by a rectangle "centered" on the pixel. This set of width x height
pixels has a distribution of values, and if they are sorted in increasing order, we choose the pixel such that rank(wfhf-1) pixels have a lower or equal value and (1-rank)(wfhf-1) pixels have an equal or greater value. In other words, rank=0
returns the minimun, rank=1
returns the maximum in box and rank=0.5
returns the median. Other values return the quantile.
: Input image. This can be a RGB, grayscale or a binary image.
: Width of the filter.height::Int
: Height of the filter (defaults towidth
: Rank.
A new GMTimage of the same type as I
with the filtered image.
using GMT
I = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "assets/small_squares.png");
J = imrankfilter(I, width=10);
grdimage(I, figsize=6)
grdimage!(J, figsize=6, xshift=6, show=true)
See Also
imdilate, imerode, imopen, imclose
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.25.1