J = imhdome(I::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}, H; conn=4)::GMTimage
keywords: GMT, Julia, image morphology, HDome transform
Suppress regional minima in image using H-minima transform.
The H-minima transform decreases the depth of all regional minima by an amount up to H
. As a result, the transform fully suppresses regional minima whose depth is less than H
. Regional minima are connected pixels with the same intensity value, t, that are surrounded by pixels with an intensity value greater than t.
I::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}
: Input image.H
: height below the filling maskhdome; must be >= 0 (words of the Leptonica pixHDome() docs)
: Connectivity value used to identify the regional maxima in I (4 or 8). Default is 4.
A new GMTimage of the same type as I
See Also
© GMT.jl. Last modified: February 07, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
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