
J = imfilter(I::GMTimage, kernel::Matrix{<:Real}; normalize::Int=1, sep::Bool=false)::GMTimage

keywords: GMT, Julia, fill convolution filtering


  • I::GMTimage: Input image. This can be a RGB or grayscale image.

  • kernel::Matrix{<:Real}: The filter kernel MxN matrix.


  • normalize::Int=1: Normalize the filter to unit sum. This is the default, unless sum(kernel) == 0, case in which we change it to 0.

  • sep::Bool=false: Try to decompose the filter into two 1-D components. If possible, this leads to a faster execution. MxN x (m+n) operations, instead of MxN x mxn. Where M,N and m,n are the sizes of the image I and the kernel filter respectively.


A new GMTimage of the same type as I with the filtered image.


Apply an 3x3 Mean Removal filter to the image "moon.png".

using GMT

I = gmtread(TESTSDIR * "assets/moon.png");
J = imfilter(I, [-1 -1 -1; -1 9 -1; -1 -1 -1]);
grdimage(I, figsize=5)
grdimage!(J, figsize=5, xshift=5, show=true)

See Also

imfill, bwskell, imerode, imsobel