GMT Modules
- band
- bar
- bar3
- basemap
- blockmean
- blockmedian
- blockmode
- boxplot
- bubblechart
- clip
- coast
- colorbar
- contour
- contourf
- cornerplot
- earthregions
- ecdfplot
- feather
- fill_between
- filter1d
- fitcircle
- gmt2kml
- gmtbinstats
- gmtconnect
- gmtconvert
- gravmag3d
- gmtmath
- gmtselect
- gmtset
- gmtsimplify
- gmtsplit
- gravfft
- gravprisms
- grd2cpt
- grd2kml
- grd2xyz
- grdclip
- grdcontour
- grdcut
- grdedit
- grdfill
- grdgradient
- grdgravmag3d
- grdhisteq
- grdimage
- grdinfo
- grdlandmask
- grdmask
- grdmath
- grdpaste
- grdsample
- grdtrack
- grdtrend
- grdvector
- grdview
- hband
- histogram
- image
- inset
- legend
- lines
- magref
- makecpt
- marginalhist
- mask
- movie
- nearneighbor
- parallelplot
- plot
- project
- qqplot
- quiver
- radar
- rose
- sample1d
- scatter
- scatter3
- seismicity
- solar
- sphinterpolate
- sphtriangulate
- stairs
- stem
- subplot
- surface
- ternary
- text
- trend1d
- trend2d
- triangulate
- triplot
- trisurf
- vband
- violin
- wiggle
- xyz2grd
© GMT.jl. Last modified: February 15, 2025. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.26.0