S = streamlines(U::GMTgrid, V::GMTgrid, startX, startY; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
keywords: GMT, Julia, grid, streamlines
Compute 2-D streamlines as a 2-D matrix (in fact, a GMTdataset) of vector fields. The inputs U
and V
are GMTgrids with the x
and y
velocity components, and startX
and startY
are the starting positions of the streamlines. step
is the step size in data units for interpolating the vector data and max_vert
is the maximum number of vertices in a streamline. startX
and startY
can both be scalars, vectors or one a scalar and the other a vector. Returns a Vector{GMTdataset} with the streamlines.
S = streamlines(U::GMTgrid, V::GMTgrid, D::GMTdataset; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
In this method the streamlines starting positions are fetch from the 2 columns of the D
argument. Returns a Vector{GMTdataset} with the streamlines.
S, A = streamlines(U::GMTgrid, V::GMTgrid; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
Method that computes automatically spaced streamlines from 2D grids U and V. Returns the streamlines in the S
Vector{GMTdataset} and A
holds the positions along the streamlines where to plot arrow-heads if wished.
S = streamlines(U::GMTgrid, V::GMTgrid; side::Union{String, Symbol}="left", step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
Here we auto-generate the starting positions along one of the 4 sides of the grid. Select the wished side with the side
keyword. Returns a Vector{GMTdataset} with the streamlines.
S = streamlines(x, y, U::Matrix, V::Matrix, sx, sy; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
This last 2D method let users pass the x
and y
vector data coordinates, U and V are matrices with the velocity data and the remaining arguments have the same meaning as in the other methods. Returns a Vector{GMTdataset} with the streamlines.
S = streamlines(x::Matrix, y::Matrix, U::Matrix, V::Matrix; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
and y
are assumed to be meshgrids with the x and y starting coordinates.
S = streamlines(U::GMTgrid, V::GMTgrid, W::GMTgrid, startX, startY, startZ; step=0.1, max_vert::Int=10000)
Conpute 3D volume of vector fields with streamline. Here U
and W
are 3D cubes with x,y,z
velocity components. startX
, startY
and startZ
can be scalar or vector coordinate arrays. Returns a Vector{GMTdataset} with the streamlines.
using GMT
x,y = GMT.meshgrid(-10:10);
u = 2 .* x .* y;
v = y .^2 - x .^ 2;
U = mat2grid(u, x[1,:], y[:,1]);
V = mat2grid(v, x[1,:], y[:,1]);
r,a = streamlines(U, V);
plot(r, decorated=(locations=a, symbol=(custom="arrow", size=0.3), fill=:black, dec2=true), show=1)
See Also
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.26.0