LiDAR Point clouds to 3D surfaces ✨➡️🏔️

In this tutorial, let’s use PyGMT to perform a more advanced geoprocessing workflow 😎

Specifically, we’ll learn to filter and interpolate a LiDAR point cloud onto a regular grid surface 🏁

At the end, we’ll also make a 🚠 3D perspective plot for the Digital Surface Model (DSM) produced through this exercise!

🎉 Getting started

Begin by importing some Python 🐍 libraries.

Besides pygmt, we’ll also be using:

  • laspy to read in LAZ LiDAR files 🌃

  • pandas for managing tabular data 🀤

  • rioxarray to export our DSM to a GeoTIFF 🗺️

import laspy
import pandas as pd
import pygmt
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr

0️⃣ The LiDAR data

Let’s visit Wellington which is the capital city of New Zealand 🇳🇿.

They recently had a LiDAR survey done between March 2019 to March 2020 🛩️, with the point cloud and derived products published under an open CC BY 4.0 license.

🔖 References:

First though, we’ll need to download a sample file to play with 🎮

Luckily for us, there is a function called pygmt.which that has to ability to do just that!

The download=True option can be used to download ⬇️ a remote file to our local working directory.

# Download LiDAR LAZ file from a URL
lazfile = pygmt.which(

Loading a point cloud 🌧️

Now we can use laspy to read in our example LAZ file into a pandas.DataFrame.

The data will be kept in a variable called ‘df’ which stands for dataframe.

# Load LAZ data into a pandas DataFrame
lazdata =
df = pd.DataFrame(
        "x": lazdata.x.scaled_array(),
        "y": lazdata.y.scaled_array(),
        "z": lazdata.z.scaled_array(),
        "classification": lazdata.classification,

Quick data preview ⚡

Let’s get the bounding box 📦 region of our study area using

# Get bounding box region
region =[["x", "y"]], spacing=1)  # West, East, South, North
print(f"Data points covers region: {region}")
Data points covers region: [1749760. 1750240. 5426880. 5427600.]

Check how many 🗃️ data points (rows) are in the table and get some summary statistics printed out.

# Print summary statistics
print(f"Total of {len(df)} data points")
Total of 7322702 data points
x y z classification
count 7.322702e+06 7.322702e+06 7.322702e+06 7.322702e+06
mean 1.750009e+06 5.427144e+06 6.536329e+01 4.477295e+00
std 1.337038e+02 1.713325e+02 4.428189e+01 2.212308e+00
min 1.749760e+06 5.426880e+06 -1.377360e+02 1.000000e+00
25% 1.749896e+06 5.426997e+06 3.380700e+01 3.000000e+00
50% 1.750012e+06 5.427125e+06 6.012200e+01 5.000000e+00
75% 1.750121e+06 5.427280e+06 9.645000e+01 5.000000e+00
max 1.750240e+06 5.427600e+06 3.186180e+02 1.800000e+01

More than 7 million points, that’s a lot! 🤯

Let’s try to take a quick look of our LiDAR elevation points on a map 🗺️

PyGMT can plot these many points, but it might take a long time ⏳, so let’s do a quick filter by taking every n-th row from our dataframe table.

df_filtered = df.iloc[::20]
print(f"Filtered down to {len(df_filtered)} data points")
Filtered down to 366136 data points

Now we can visualize these quickly on a map with PyGMT 😀

# Plot XYZ points on a map
fig = pygmt.Figure()
fig.basemap(frame=True, region=region, projection="x1:5000")
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="bukavu", series=[df.z.min(), df.z.max()])
    x=df_filtered.x, y=df_filtered.y, color=df_filtered.z, style="c0.03c", cmap=True
fig.colorbar(position="JMR", frame=["af+lElevation", "y+lm"])

It’s hard to make out what the objects are, but hopefully you’ll see what looks like a wharf with ⛵ boats on the top left corner.

This is showing us a part of Oriental Bay in Wellington, with Mount Victoria ⛰️ towards the Southeast corner of the map.

1️⃣ Creating a Digital Surface Model (DSM)

Let’s now produce a digital surface model from our point cloud 🌧️

We’ll first do some proper spatial data cleaning 🧹 using both pandas and pygmt.

First step is to remove the LiDAR points classified as high noise 🔊 which is done by querying all the points that are not ‘18’.

🔖 References:

df = df.query(expr="classification != 18")
x y z classification
0 1749771.56 5427498.77 -0.724 2
1 1749771.52 5427498.46 -0.708 2
2 1749771.48 5427498.15 -0.700 2
3 1749771.45 5427497.84 -0.683 2
4 1749771.41 5427497.54 -0.630 2
... ... ... ... ...
7322687 1749760.95 5427567.17 -0.479 9
7322698 1749760.23 5427567.65 -0.488 9
7322699 1749760.26 5427567.98 -0.442 9
7322700 1749760.29 5427568.29 -0.417 9
7322701 1749760.32 5427568.62 -0.404 9

7232453 rows × 4 columns

Get highest elevation points 🍫

Next, we’ll use the blockmedian function to trim 🪒 down the points spatially.

By default, this function computes a single median elevation for every pixel on an equally spaced grid 🏁

For a Digital Surface Elevation Model (DSM) though, we should pick the highest elevation 🔝 instead of the median.

So we’ll tell blockmedian to use the 99th quantile (T) instead, and set our output grid spacing to be exactly 1 metre (1+e) 📏

Note that we’ll only be taking the 🇽, 🇾, 🇿 (elevation) columns for this.

# Preprocess LiDAR data using blockmedian
df_trimmed = pygmt.blockmedian(
    data=df[["x", "y", "z"]],
    T=0.99,  # 99th quantile, i.e. the highest point
x y z
0 1749760.05 5427599.54 -0.755
1 1749760.67 5427599.83 -0.737
2 1749761.87 5427599.71 -0.747
3 1749765.39 5427599.55 -0.701
4 1749765.96 5427599.73 -0.742
... ... ... ...
311584 1750236.41 5426880.41 178.756
311585 1750237.32 5426880.47 179.132
311586 1750238.50 5426880.40 179.232
311587 1750239.36 5426880.46 179.517
311588 1750239.99 5426880.49 179.622

311589 rows × 3 columns

Turn points into a grid 🫓

Lastly, we’ll use pygmt.surface to produce a grid from the 🇽, 🇾, 🇿 data points.

Make sure to set our desired grid spacing to be exactly 📏 1 metre (1+e) again.

Also, we’ll set a tension factor (T) of 0.35 which is suitable for steep topography (since we have some 🏠 buildings with ‘steep’ vertical edges).

🚨 Note that this might take some time to run.

# Create a Digital Surface Elevation Model with
# a spatial resolution of 1m.
grid = pygmt.surface(
    region=region,  # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
    T=0.35,  # tension factor
surface [WARNING]: 53246 unusable points were supplied; these will be ignored.
surface [WARNING]: You should have pre-processed the data with block-mean, -median, or -mode.
surface [WARNING]: Check that previous processing steps write results with enough decimals.
surface [WARNING]: Possibly some data were half-way between nodes and subject to IEEE 754 rounding.

Let’s take a look 👀 at the grid output.

The grid will be returned as an xarray.DataArray, with each pixel’s elevation (🇿 value in metres) stored at every 🇽 and 🇾 coordinate.

<xarray.DataArray 'z' (y: 721, x: 481)>
array([[ 32.827084  ,  33.058956  ,  33.236935  , ..., 179.27199   ,
        179.47954   , 179.68286   ],
       [ 32.929073  ,  33.571014  ,  33.91027   , ..., 178.95854   ,
        179.3416    , 179.49734   ],
       [ 32.99532   ,  34.62854   ,  35.717705  , ..., 178.77904   ,
        179.26633   , 179.20392   ],
       [ -0.7089864 ,  -0.7099118 ,  -0.7231264 , ...,  -0.68712777,
         -0.67993474,  -0.65520626],
       [ -0.7150018 ,  -0.72270995,  -0.7585947 , ...,  -0.6843457 ,
         -0.68121314,  -0.6624484 ],
       [ -0.7903585 ,  -0.75000775,  -0.78331774, ...,  -0.70826954,
         -0.68685687,  -0.6937212 ]], dtype=float32)
  * x        (x) float64 1.75e+06 1.75e+06 1.75e+06 ... 1.75e+06 1.75e+06
  * y        (y) float64 5.427e+06 5.427e+06 5.427e+06 ... 5.428e+06 5.428e+06
    long_name:     z
    actual_range:  [ -1.83348048 192.18907166]

2️⃣ Plotting a Digital Surface Model (DSM)

Plot in 2D 🏳️‍🌈

Now we can plot our Digital Surface Model (DSM) grid 🏁

This can be done by passing the xarray.DataArray grid into pygmt.Figure.grdimage.

fig2 = pygmt.Figure()
    region=[1_749_760, 1_750_240, 5_426_880, 5_427_600],
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="bukavu", series=[-10, 200])
fig2.grdimage(grid=grid, cmap=True)
fig2.colorbar(position="JMR", frame=["af+lElevation", "y+lm"])

Plot 3D perspective view ⛰️

Now comes the cool part 💯

PyGMT has a grdview function to make high quality 3D perspective plots of our elevation surface!

Besides providing the elevation ‘grid’, there are a few basic things to configure:

  • cmap - name of 🌈 colormap to use

  • surftype - we’ll use ‘s’ here which just creates a regular surface 🏄

  • perspective - set azimuth angle (e.g. 315 for NorthWest) and 📐 elevation (e.g 30 degrees) of the viewpoint

  • zscale - a vertical exaggeration 🔺 factor, we’ll use 0.02 here

fig3 = pygmt.Figure()
    surftype="s",  # surface plot
    perspective=[315, 30],  # azimuth bearing, and elevation angle
    zscale=0.02,  # vertical exaggeration

There are also other things we can 🧰 configure such as:

  • Hillshading ⛱️ using shading=True

  • A proper 3D map frame 🖼️ with:

    • automatic tick marks on x and y axis (e.g. xaf+lLabel)

    • z-axis automatic tick marks (zaf+lLabel)

    • plot title (+tMy Title)

fig3 = pygmt.Figure()
    surftype="s",  # surface plot
    perspective=[315, 30],  # azimuth bearing, and elevation angle
    zscale=0.02,  # vertical exaggeration
    shading=True,  # hillshading
        "zaf+lElevation (m)",
        "+tOriental Bay, Wellington",

Feel free to have a go at changing the azimuth and elevation angle to get a different view 🔭

You can also try to tweak the vertical exaggeration factor 🗼 and play around with the map frame!

Save figures and output DSM to GeoTIFF 💾

Time to save your work!

We’ll save each of our figures into separate files first 🗃️


Also, it’ll be good to have a proper GeoTIFF of the DSM we made. This can be done using rioxarray’s to_raster method."DSM_of_Wellington.tif")
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[16], line 1
----> 1"DSM_of_Wellington.tif")

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rioxarray/, in RasterArray.to_raster(self, raster_path, driver, dtype, tags, windowed, recalc_transform, lock, compute, **profile_kwargs)
   1081 out_profile = {
   1082     key: value
   1083     for key, value in out_profile.items()
   1094     )
   1095 }
   1096 rio_nodata = (
   1097     self.encoded_nodata if self.encoded_nodata is not None else self.nodata
   1098 )
-> 1100 return RasterioWriter(raster_path=raster_path).to_raster(
   1101     xarray_dataarray=self._obj,
   1102     tags=tags,
   1103     driver=driver,
   1104     height=int(self.height),
   1105     width=int(self.width),
   1106     count=int(self.count),
   1107     dtype=dtype,
   1109     transform=self.transform(recalc=recalc_transform),
   1110     gcps=self.get_gcps(),
   1111     nodata=rio_nodata,
   1112     windowed=windowed,
   1113     lock=lock,
   1114     compute=compute,
   1115     **out_profile,
   1116 )

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rioxarray/, in RasterioWriter.to_raster(self, xarray_dataarray, tags, windowed, lock, compute, **kwargs)
    250 else:
    251     out_data = xarray_dataarray
--> 252 data = encode_cf_variable(out_data).values.astype(numpy_dtype)
    253 if data.ndim == 2:
    254     rds.write(data, 1, window=window)

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/, in encode_cf_variable(var, needs_copy, name)
    287 ensure_not_multiindex(var, name=name)
    289 for coder in [
    290     times.CFDatetimeCoder(),
    291     times.CFTimedeltaCoder(),
    294     variables.UnsignedIntegerCoder(),
    295 ]:
--> 296     var = coder.encode(var, name=name)
    298 # TODO(shoyer): convert all of these to use coders, too:
    299 var = maybe_encode_nonstring_dtype(var, name=name)

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/coding/, in CFDatetimeCoder.encode(self, variable, name)
    687 def encode(self, variable: Variable, name: T_Name = None) -> Variable:
    688     if np.issubdtype(
    689, np.datetime64
--> 690     ) or contains_cftime_datetimes(variable):
    691         dims, data, attrs, encoding = unpack_for_encoding(variable)
    693         (data, units, calendar) = encode_cf_datetime(
    694             data, encoding.pop("units", None), encoding.pop("calendar", None)
    695         )

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/, in contains_cftime_datetimes(var)
   1816 def contains_cftime_datetimes(var: T_Variable) -> bool:
   1817     """Check if an xarray.Variable contains cftime.datetime objects"""
-> 1818     return _contains_cftime_datetimes(var._data)

File /usr/share/miniconda3/envs/egu22pygmt/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xarray/core/, in AttrAccessMixin.__getattr__(self, name)
    274         with suppress(KeyError):
    275             return source[name]
--> 276 raise AttributeError(
    277     f"{type(self).__name__!r} object has no attribute {name!r}"
    278 )

AttributeError: 'DataArray' object has no attribute '_data'

The files should now appear on the file list on the left, and you can download them to your computer.

3️⃣ Bonus exercise - Create a 3D surface map of another area

Here’s a challenge to test your PyGMT skills 🤹

You’ll be processing a LiDAR point cloud of a different area 📍 from start to finish.

Good luck! 🥳

Feel free to find a dataset from an area you’re interested in using OpenTopography.

To make it easier though, I’ve provided an example for Queenstown, New Zealand 🇳🇿

These files covers the Central Queenstown area:

Download and load data

filenames = [
    # "",

df = pd.DataFrame()  # Start an empty DataFrame
for fname in filenames:
    lazfile = pygmt.which(fname=fname, download=True)

    lazdata =
    temp_df = pd.DataFrame(
            "x": lazdata.x.scaled_array(),
            "y": lazdata.y.scaled_array(),
            "z": lazdata.z.scaled_array(),
            "classification": lazdata.classification,
    # load each point cloud into the DataFrame
    df = df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True)

Create a DSM

# Run blockmedian
# Run surface

Plot the DSM

# Run grdimage
# Run grdview

That’s all 🎉! For more information on how to customize your map 🗺️, check out:

If you have any questions 🙋, feel free to visit the PyGMT forum at

Submit any ✨ feature requests/bug reports to the GitHub repo at
