.. title:: Remote datasets GMT Remote Datasets Documentation --------------------------------- Welcome to the documentation for the remote datasets available through GMT's `remote file mechanism `_. Information about the GMT data server and mirrors can be found on the `GMT organization website `_. .. note:: The highest resolution data for Mars, Mercury, Moon and Pluto requires GMT 6.5 or later. .. grid:: 1 2 3 3 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: EarthByte Earth Seafloor Crustal Age :link: earth-age :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_age_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: EGM2008 Earth Geoid :link: earth-geoid :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_geoid_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: EMAG2 Earth Magnetic Anomaly Model :link: earth-mag :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_mag_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: GEBCO Earth Relief :link: earth-gebco :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_gebco_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: GSHHG Earth Mask :link: earth-mask :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_mask_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: GSHHG Earth Distance to Shoreline :link: earth-dist :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_dist_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth Free-Air Anomaly :link: earth-faa :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_faa_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth Free-Air Anomaly Error :link: earth-faaerror :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_faaerror_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth West-East Deflections :link: earth-edefl :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_edefl_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: CNES Earth Mean Sea Surface :link: earth-mss :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_mss_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: CNES Earth Mean Dynamic Topography :link: earth-mdt :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_mdt_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth South-North Deflections :link: earth-ndefl :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_ndefl_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth Relief :link: earth-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Earth Vertical Gravity Gradient :link: earth-vgg :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_vgg_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: NASA Earth Day/Night Images :link: earth-daynight :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_daynight_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: WDMAM World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map :link: earth-wdmam :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_earth_wdmam_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: NASA Mars Relief :link: mars-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_mars_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: USGS Mercury Relief :link: mercury-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_mercury_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: USGS Moon Relief :link: moon-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_moon_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: USGS Pluto Relief :link: pluto-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_pluto_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. grid-item-card:: IGPP Venus Relief :link: venus-relief :link-type: doc :img-bottom: /_static/GMT_venus_relief_thumbnail.jpg :text-align: center .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Datasets earth-age earth-daynight earth-edefl earth-dist earth-faa earth-faaerror earth-gebco earth-geoid earth-mag earth-mask earth-mdt earth-mss earth-ndefl earth-relief earth-vgg earth-wdmam mars-relief mercury-relief moon-relief pluto-relief venus-relief .. toctree:: :caption: Reference :hidden: changes