(1) Animation of the sine function

Our first animation is not very ambitious: We wish to plot the sine function from 0-360 and take snap shots every 1.We place a bright red circle at the leading edge of the curve, and as we move forward in time (here, angles) we dim the older circles to a dark red color. We add a label that indicates the current angle value. Once the 361 frames are completed we convert them to a single mp4 file.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#               GMT ANIMATION 01
# Purpose:      Make simple MP4 of sine function
# GMT modules:  math, basemap, text, plot, movie, event
# Unix progs:   cat
# The finished movie is available in our YouTube channel as well:
# https://youtu.be/NjSDpQ5S3FM

# 1. Create files needed in the loop
cat << 'EOF' > pre.sh
gmt math -T0/360/1 T SIND = sin_curve.txt
gmt begin
	gmt basemap -R0/360/-1.2/1.6 -JX22c/11.5c -X1c -Y1c \
	-BWSne+glightskyblue -Bxa90g90f30+u@. -Bya0.5f0.1g1 --FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY=9p
gmt end
# 2. Set up the main frame script
cat << 'EOF' > main.sh
gmt begin
	gmt basemap -R0/360/-1.2/1.6 -JX22c/11.5c -X1c -Y1c -B+n
#	Plot smooth blue curve and dark red dots at all angle steps so far
	gmt events sin_curve.txt -i0,1,0 -T${MOVIE_FRAME} -Ar -Es -W1p,blue
	gmt plot sin_curve.txt -Sc0.25c -Gdarkred -qi0:10:${MOVIE_FRAME}

#	Plot bright red dot at current angle
	gmt events sin_curve.txt -T${MOVIE_FRAME} -Sc0.1i -Gred -i0,1,0 -L0
gmt end
# 3. Run the movie
gmt movie main.sh -Sbpre.sh -Chd -Tsin_curve.txt -Vi -D50 -Zs -Nanim01 -Fmp4 \
	-Lf+t"a = %3.3d"+f14p,Helvetica-Bold+jTL+o1.25/1.15

Make sure you understand the purpose of all the steps in our script. In this case we did some trial-and-error to determine the exact values to use for the map projection, the region, the spacing around the frame, etc. so that the final result gave a reasonable layout. Do this planning on a single PostScript plot before running a lengthy animation script.